Media & Appearances

Vancouver Co-op Radio Interview

On March 14, 2015, I was interviewed by Jane Williams on Vancouver Co-operative Radio’s Redeye Program. Jane was particularly interested in stories related to the various dugout canoes in British Columbia.

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CBC North by Northwest Guest

On Sunday, October 26, 2014, I was Sheryl MacKay’s guest on CBC Radio One’s province-wide North by Northwest. In the interview, Sheryl asks me to tell listeners about some of her favourite stories after she read my book.  

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CBC BC Almanac guest

On August 29, 2014, I was Mark Forsythe’s guest on CBC Radio One’s BC Almanac. In the second half hour of the show, listeners from around the province called to talk about their favourite paddling journeys and memories and I provided background and context for many of the calls.

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CBC Vancouver Island interview

On August 11, 2014, I was interviewed by David Lennam, the Victoria-based host of CBC Radio One’s “All Points West”. A canoeist himself, we discussed the importance of the various types of canoes in BC and the joy of the paddling experience itself.

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Blogtalkradio’s Poets and Prose

On May 15, 2014, I was interviewed by Sonia Nadina Haynes, President of the North Shore Writers Association, on her “Poets and Prose” show aired on Blogtalkradio. We talked about my new book and the writing process.

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